10:00am – 2:00pm
At FDR Park in South Philadelphia
Performances are complimentary with purchase of Flower Show ticket
Get your Flower Show tickets for Family Frolic this Saturday, June 12th, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm! While enjoying the exhibits, market, and food, experience complimentary performances by Orchestra 2001 at all corners of the marketplace.
These performances are part of Orchestra 2001's EMERGING MARKETS concert series. Major support provided by The William Penn Foundation.
by John Luther Adams
morningfieldsong (Song Sparrow, Field Sparrow)
meadowdance (Eastern Meadowlark, Redwing Blackbird)
notquitespringdawn (American Robin)
David DiGiacobbe, piccolo
Julietta Curenton, piccolo
Malavika Godbole, percussion
Phillip O’Banion, percussion
Brenda Weckerly, percussion
11:00 am & 1:00 pm (15-minute repeat performances)
CENTER STAGE by boathouse
Danza de la Mariposa
(Dance of the Butterfly)
by Valerie Coleman
Julietta Curenton, flute
10:00 - 10:30 am & noon -12:30 pm
(approximate times)
BUTTERFLIES LIVE! pavilion, near Blume Village Food Court
Flowerpot Music
Elliot Cole, composer
Peter Ferry, director
10:15 am & noon (repeat performances)
at ENTRY GAZEBO near main entrance
Garden Percussion Improvs:
Anthony Di Bartolo, watering can, sprinkler, flower pots
Andy Thierauf, seed shakers, flower pots
Orchestra 2001 market table, north side of DESIGN DISTRICT
Phone - 267-687-6243
email -
Permanent Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 7211, Philadelphia, PA 19101
Physical Address:
Cherry Street Pier, 121 N. Columbus Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19106
Orchestra 2001 (O2001) presents: music of the 20th and 21st centuries, concerts in Philadelphia, PA., new American music, and American contemporary music.
© 2019 Orchestra 2001.